BIS Approved Laboratory
BIS Approved Laboratory
Our organization is prominently involved in providing Drinking Water Testing Services. While conducting these tests, we focus on various properties of water including color, odour, taste, turbidity, pH and conductivity. Further, the total hardness is tested as CaCo3, iron and chloride (CI, T.D.S). Total alkalinity is tested as CaCo3, calcium, magnesium, nitrate and sulphate, as per IS 10500:1991, except pesticides and PCB.
Our services are rendered for testing the following
Drinking water analysis as per IS:14543/13428/10500 and all parameters, except pesticides and heavy metals
Swimming pool water analysis as per IS:3328:1993
Cooling tower water analysis as per IS standards
Construction water as per IS 456-2000
Water for processed food industry as per IS 4251
Reagent grade water as per IS 1070 (Distilled Water)
Boiler feed water/condensate water